Random Thoughts: Keep Your Business to Yourself

In the beginning, during a period of change, it is best to keep your business to yourself.

Often, we share our desire to change (and our ideas on how to create change) with the world—or at least, our friends and family who know us most.

Sometimes we do this for the sake of accountability, to demonstrate or prove that we desire a change.

Likely, as we share, we are also hoping to prove that we are worthy of change. We share because we have a lack mentality, and in doing so we are seeking approval or validation or plain ol’ attention. We share because we want others to fill our cup.

The thing is, the moment we open ourselves up in that way, we risk failure right out of the gate. Truthfully, most people don’t want us to change, and they don’t like witnessing our change. They might try to convince us to remain the same or to influence the direction of our change. They may offer us advice, and we may feel obligated to accept it.

We also open ourselves up to comparison (by others and to others). Comparison leads to fears of failure and rejection. It hinders our creative juices and blocks our growth.

The best thing to do when you are inspired to create positive change in your life (to change an aspect of your personality or to bring a vision to life or to generate more abundance for yourself) is to make like a caterpillar entering a cocoon, safe and hidden from view as the changes unfold. Invite professional guidance if needed, but keep the changes away from social media, family, and friends.

Then, when you get to the point that you are so comfortable with how your inspiration has developed, so sure of what you have invited into your life, so trusting of your idea or vision that no one and nothing can sway you from owning it, it is only then that you emerge from the cocoon, ready to unfold in newness and beauty.

***This is an excerpt from my interactive journal of writing prompts and reflections. Printable PDF can be found on Payhip or Etsy.

Published by mtg

A woman. A mother. A wife. A writer. This is me.

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